What do you think of when you think of innovation? Coming up with a new idea or invention? What we dont explore or see is the hard work behind the process. Whether its a new and improved way to do something or just a different angle to a similar process. Innovation is more of a process than people think.
Innovation can be embedded in all processes. But your culture has to be open to that process. Most leadership will look at innovation as an added cost to the existing process today. That’s what we call, “dont fix if it aint broke” mentality. While we view this as simply keeping the lights on or keeping operations continuous to keep generating revenue. Which I understand, most processes start out as something new and some how find a way to make the repeatable.
Some of the challenges with that is the environment or competitors fighting for the same piece of that pie. Overtime, you’re competitors will find a new process, and you, “the company” will have to make a decision on how to act on it.
Innovation embedded in existing processes are key to surviving this competitive landscape, in any industry. We do not have to be the Apple’s of the world, or another Snapchat App, but simple embedding innovation in the process encourages new ideas in the existing culture.